Empowering women to embrace their authenticity and boldly challenge societal expectations

Authentic growth:

Guiding women to navigate societal expectations and the emotional challenges they face, helping them find their authenticity and achieve a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives.

Being a woman, daughter, wife, mother, dreamer, and professional is not easy

Nectormo (Derived from the etymology nec: lack, deficiency, and tormo: quality of the environment) is an emotional state that arises from the imbalance between the demands of two opposing worlds: family and professional life.

Nectormo is not merely a reaction to external demands and expectations; it represents the internal struggle faced by modern women, caught in limiting emotional experiences such as selfishness, guilt, constant doubt, fear/shame, impostor syndrome, the feeling of not being enough, and overwhelming pressure.

These emotions reflect the intense pressure and inner conflict that women experience as they attempt to balance their family and professional roles. This emotional state often leads them to limit their potential, fearing they may impact their family’s well-being while struggling to meet unrealistic expectations imposed by both worlds.

Why Do Modern Mothers Need a Different Mindset?

The FLOW Mindset

A Transformative Strategy 

The FLOW Mindset is a profound shift in perspective that helps modern mothers navigate Nectormo more effectively, enabling them to achieve professional success without sacrificing their emotional and family well-being.

This mindset does not view professional and family life as separate compartments but as interdependent parts of a continuously flowing reality.

The FLOW Mindset is an approach that invites you to:


Flow between roles with flexibility.


Liberate yourself from external expectations and automatic reactions.


Optimize resources, energy, and time.


Well-being al WOW, viviendo en armonía con autenticidad.

By learning and practicing this mindset, you gain the ability to navigate Nectormo and begin making more conscious decisions that honor personal, family, and professional aspirations.

Daily Practice of FLOW

An Effective Way to Navigate Nectorm

The daily practice of FLOW is a powerful strategy that transforms this mindset into concrete actions, enabling you to approach daily challenges with intention and calmness.

By integrating the RETO Method into your routine, you can make decisions that align with your values and goals.


Regroup to find calm for your mind and body


Evaluate your options and prioritize actions.


Take intentional and confident action.


Obtain peace in your choice.

Adopting this approach not only enhances productivity but also helps connect with a more authentic and aligned life. By incorporating this mindset into daily life, women can transform challenges into opportunities.

The Path to fullfilment and harmony

This group is a safe space for mothers who need to feel more than just mothers and want to reconnect with themselves as women. Here, we will discuss those topics that weigh on their minds and hearts but are too afraid to share with anyone for fear of being judged.

Because let’s face it, we already have enough to deal with without having to worry about what others think of us!

Note: This group is currently offered in Spanish.

Mothers Are Not Alone